FunnelFlix Review: What’s The Deal?

FunnelFlix which is included with the ClickFunnels Platinum Upgrade was just recently announced by Russell Brunson on the 5 Year Anniversary of ClickFunnels!

This was an important announcement for Russell Brunson to make and a much needed one for the community, as it looks like ClickFunnels will be focusing on not only what WORKS for them as a company, but also giving us marketers the necessary education so that we can position ourselves as experts in our field. And if you ask me, the changes introduced are better for both ClickFunnels and the users.

As you can imagine, the ClickFunnels announcement came with a huge surprise from Russell as he introduced: FunnelFLix

It’ll be the new addition to the platform as ClickFunnels moves in a new direction.

Want to know more about FunnelFlix or a full review? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

What is FunnelFlix?

FunnelFlix is the Netflix of Marketing. And similar to Netflix, the platform contains a catalog of video content you can use to take your marketing and sales to the next level.

welcome to funnelflix

The platform contains so much material that it originally was being sold at a much higher price.

FunnelFlix was announced a few weeks ago alongside the new upgrade ClickFunnels Platinum and can be accessed from the ClickFunnels dashboard. Similar to Netflix, new content is being added regularly. Judging from the videos that are already posted, the platform is geared to take your marketing skills to another level.

What is on the platform?

As I stated earlier, FunnelFlix was announced as a new addition to the ClickFunnels upgrade. This being the first of a 3-part release means that there is much more in store for the marketers within the community. If you thought that ClickFunnels made a huge splash in the industry 5 years ago, then you’re about to witness something only a select few platforms have done. FunnelFlix shows a lot of promise and I’m confident that it has yet to unleash its full potential.

funnelflix login

When you first login to your ClickFunnels dashboard, FunnelFilx is located on the right hand side. I hope they change it to be included within the menu bar because the current placement doesn’t make much sense to me. But that’s neither here nor there, once you click the FunnelFlix Training icon it’ll take you to a separate login screen.

Once in, the courses are divided among the various categories of your ClickFunnels membership. The standard plan, you will give you access to the following:

  • 30 Days
  • Affiliate Bootcamp
  • Brick and Mortar
  • Ecommerce
  • 10X: A ClickFunnels Story
  • Funnel Hacker TV
  • Funnel Hacking Live
  • Operation UndergroundRailroad
  • Funnel Builder Secrets
  • Adskills
  • Money Mindset
  • Tony Robbins Private Collection

When it comes to the ClickFunnels Platinum package, you will have access to the following high-end content:

  • 10X Secrets
  • One Funnel Away Challenge
  • Funnel Agency Secrets
  • Funnel Hackathon
  • YouTube Traffic Secrets
  • Funnel U
  • Agora Financial Media Buying
  • Traffic Secrets
  • John Reese’s Outsource Force
  • The Warriors Way Doctrine
  • Jay Abraham: The Anthology

Those are just some of whats available on the platform now.  Russell has plans in the near future to launch more content.  The platform has teased that the course, OfferMind by Stephen Larsen, will be launching soon.

Expect the majority of these new courses to be featured on the platform’s platinum package. That means for full access you want to be sure that you are signed up for the ClickFunnels Platinum tier so you don’t miss out. 

What is the price For FunnelFlix?

So the word is out on the new video content platform from ClickFunnels. Being the studious marketer that you are, you’re probably wondering how much it is? To access FunnelFlix, you will have to buy or use the 14-day trial offered by ClickFunnels. 

Currently, ClickFunnels has two plans available for their clients. There is the standard plan of $97 a month which comes with a Free 14-day trial. The standard plan doesn’t have all the content you may require but is recommended for starters. 

If you’re planning to go big with your marketing , you can choose ClickFunnels Platinum. The plan requires you to pay a monthly fee of $297, once the Free 14-day trial is over. But the price is likely to increase, and that’s based on what Russell and his team have in the works. By signing up for this plan, you will have access to everything within ClickFunnels including FunnelFix.

My Thoughts On FunnelFlix

I believe that this new content platform is worth the investment. From a marketer’s perspective, having access to high quality content to further your success is priceless. Not to mention, some of these training on their own cost of over $3000 and you’re getting them at a substantial discount.  Although the price may be a bit high for beginners, I would highly recommend getting ClickFunnels just to have access to FunnelFlix. You can always start a Free trial and test for yourself!

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Mike Garvey JrFounder of

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Affiliate Disclaimer: We hope you liked this FunnelFlix review. Please note that some of the links inside this article may be affiliate links to ClickFunnels. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, we may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, we really appreciate it! Any money we make keeps this site running smoothly and allows us to keep writing these high-quality reviews.