ClickFunnels Free Trial: What’s The Deal?

What is the ClickFunnels Free Trial?

The ClickFunnels free trial is a way for you to get a sneak peek into the sales funnel builder platform. Company founder Russell Brunson and his team just celebrated the company’s fifth year in business. If you are just beginning your entrepreneur journey or you’re a seasoned internet marketer, ClickFunnels is one of the best tools to help you build your business. This is especially true if you have products and services you want to sell through marketing and lead generation. (And, what internet marketer doesn’t?)

If you’re somehow unfamiliar with ClickFunnels, here’s a bit of a recap of what the platform does. First, it provides internet marketers and online entrepreneurs with dozens of pre-built funnel templates designed to make it easier to market and sell your products or services. 

Secondly, ClickFunnels integrates with popular payment processors including Stripe & PayPal, among others. Finally, you can use the platform to incorporate everything you need to build your business such as web hosting, email autoresponders and, of course, landing pages. 

That’s why the ClickFunnels free trial is such a valuable tool for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned vets alike. So, let’s get into everything that is the ClickFunnels Free Trial.

How long is the ClickFunnels Free Trial?

In the past, the trial period was 30 days long. However, it has been shortened to two weeks, aka 14 days. While the trial period was cut in half, you can rest easy knowing you can learn everything you need during that time. 

The free trial is available for both ClickFunnels plans. If you are just starting out, I’d suggest going with the basic plan at $97 per month until you start growing your business. For the seasoned vets, I’d suggest the platinum plan. At $297, it’s a bit more, but the value and additional tools you get from that package is well worth it. 

During your trial, you have full access to all the features associated with the plan you choose. For example, you can create sales funnels, landing pages, evergreen webinars, membership sites, and more during your trial period. You can even “go all the way” by creating a working sales funnel complete with a payment portal, allowing you to make sales and collect payments from third party platforms like Stripe and PayPal

I’m new to internet marketing – Can I use ClickFunnels?

Yes. ClickFunnels is so easy to use that it’s perfect for newbie internet and affiliate marketers. In fact, the platform was designed for people with little to no formal design training to build an online presence for their business. 

Also, Brunson is a marketing expert so he created ClickFunnels to take the guesswork and mystery out of online marketing. All of the platform’s tools were designed with one goal in mind: turn leads into sales. The sales funnel is the marketing vehicle of choice for the ClickFunnels team to help you do just that. During your free trial, you will learn how to combine a sales funnel with the power of the right “hook, story and offer” to revolutionize your business. 

If you’re not new to the internet marketing world, you can still benefit from using ClickFunnels. Because you can create customizable landing pages and sales funnels for your business in less time, you can spend more time crafting better offers and marketing campaigns designed to convert browsers (aka, window-shoppers) into buyers.

And finally, if you’re getting a few sales here and there, but haven’t achieved any real success in creating a passive income, this platform is definitely for you. I can relate because, until recently, I was this person too. Once I made the investment in ClickFunnels to scale my business and save me time with proven, reliable marketing methods, I found success.

How can I build my business with ClickFunnels?

There are dozens of ways ClickFunnels can help you build and grow your business. Here are some of the features you can use to do it:

  • Backpack: As an affiliate marketer, I wanted to highlight this feature first. It allows you to add an affiliate management feature to your sales funnels. 

  • Pre-Built Sales Funnels: Choose from dozens of templates to quickly create sales funnels and landing pages that convert traffic and drive sales.  

  • Drag and Drop Editor: This feature is the reason why it’s so easy to use ClickFunnels. Custom edit landing pages and sales funnels with the drag and drop editor.

  • Shopping Cart: Integrate popular payment processors like PayPal and Stripe directly into your sales funnel order page. 

  • A/B Split Testing: Test and track marketing analytics for multiple landing pages or sales funnels with this feature. 

create a funnel

This is just a snapshot of the features you can test out during your ClickFunnels trial. In just 14 days, you can choose a pre-built sales funnel, customize it with the drag and drop editor, conduct A/B testing on multiple landing pages, collect payment on any converting traffic and much, much more. 

If you can build it, you can use ClickFunnels to sell it. This applies to anything you create during the 14-day trial as well. After the trial period ends and you decide to keep using the platform, only then will you opt into a monthly payment option.  

What Are Some of clickFunnels Additional features? 

ClickFunnels has all the features that you would ever need. Some of these features include: 

  • Drip Campaigns: It allows you to send a series of emails to your contacts on a schedule.
  • Membership content: Build log-in access only membership areas for your content.
  • Upsells and Down sells: Encourage your customer to purchase higher cost products by Up-selling or entice them with a discount with a down-sell. 
  • Landing pages: ClickFunnels has all the necessary tools to help you build a highly converting landing page. 
  • Follow-up Funnels: Send emails from within your ClickFunnels account. Setting up Email Lists, Smart Lists, Broadcasts, Follow-Up Funnels, and your SMTP servers

These are just some of the additional features built in should you decide to start your ClickFunnels Free Trial.

(Note that the trial is 14 Days, which should give you enough time to determine if the software works for your business. You will only be charged after the trial period has ended.)

Is 14-Day Trial Really Worth It?

Yes, because the ClickFunnels 14-day trial allows you to: 

  • Build web pages and payment-ready sales funnels to launch successful marketing campaigns to gather and convert more leads;

  • Use email auto-responders to automatically send highly targeted follow-up emails to potential customers based actions taken while on your website;

  • Track customer activity like bounce rate, click-through rate, and more directly from the ClickFunnels platform; 

  • Grow your business by creating a membership site, the perfect webinar, or dozens of specialized sales funnels like hero funnels, video sales letter funnels and more;

  • Implement advanced text editing and website-design skills to create interactive web content; 

ClickFunnels is more than a simple sales funnel builder. First, you choose from and customize dozens of funnels related to your very business model to market and sell your goods and services. Then, you can use any of the features listed above to build out your online business using just one platform. And finally, you can integrate the platform with popular internet marketing tools from big name companies like Aweber and Stripe. With ClickFunnels, you get everything you need to succeed as an online business owner. 

Ready to try ClickFunnels?

The 14-day free trial is available for both the basic and platinum plans. Here’s how you can get your hands on a free trial of the platform. 

Create Your ClickFunnels Account

I’ve made it easy for you to create a ClickFunnels account. Just use this link to visit the website and fill out a short registration form. You’ll be asked for your name, email address and credit card information. YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL NOT BE CHARGED. Remember, this is a free trial period. There’s no deposit required and no money upfront. Simply register for an account to get access to ClickFunnels for 14-days, risk free. At any time during the trial, you can cancel your account and not be charged after the 14-day free period. 

Choose Your ClickFunnels Plan

Once you enter you basic info, you’ll be able to select which account type you want to use during the free trial period. Remember, there are two types of accounts to choose from: 

  1. Basic Plan ($97): For my new entrepreneurs, I cannot stress enough how much I recommend this plan. It allows you to create sales funnels to convert traffic into leads and build a profitable business. With this plan you get access to 20 pre-built sales funnel templates to save you time and quickly launch your business.   

  1. ClickFunnels Platinum ($297): More money. More Features. That’s the name of the game with the Platinum plan. You get all the features of ClickFunnels, along with bonuses like Backpack, Follow-up Funnels and FunnelFlix. For my affiliate marketers looking to take their business to the next level, I highly recommend this package. 

But wait…there’s more! 

It’s not a Russell Brunson offer if there aren’t any bonuses attached. The ClickFunnels 14-day trial is no exception. Not only do you get access to the platform in its entirety for free, once you register for an account, you get a 4-step tutorial video explaining how to use the platform and how to create your first sales funnel. 


For those of you wondering if you would get any use out of ClickFunnels because you weren’t familiar with how to use the platform, Brunson’s got you covered. 

Once you complete the video training course, you can claim your FREE ClickFunnels t-shirt. This isn’t a “free + shipping” tactic either, although Brunson is famous for those. Simply finish the intro course and claim your free t-shirt as a thank you to investing in you! The shipping is free no matter what part of the world you’re in right now. 

Why the ClickFunnels Free Trial is right for you

First’s things first. It’s a free trial so you literally have nothing to lose by trying it out. 

There are other landing page software platforms that will allow you to build sales funnels. But, none of them have the ease of use that ClickFunnels has. This platform is the only one that lets a new online entrepreneur with no coding or development experience put together beautiful and functional sales funnels designed to get you leads AND give you the blueprint to turn those leads into paying customers. If you are a big dog in the online marketing world and you’re ready for something more challenging like running a membership site, you can create that in ClickFunnels too. 

clickfunnel templates

Russell Brunson has taken the guesswork out of how to build and market your business for success. With dozens of pre-designed sales funnel templates to choose from, you can log into ClickFunnels day 1 of your 14-day trial and build a funnel complete with payment processing integration, allowing you to make money quickly. It’s like he’s taken the 80/20 rule to the extreme, with him doing 80% of the work and handing you an almost complete blueprint for success in the internet marketing world. All you have to do is put in the last 20% for success.   

I recommend the ClickFunnels free trial because, at no upfront cost, it’s worth your time. During the 14-day trial, ClickFunnels gives you full access to their platform and full control over building your business exactly the way you envisioned with their features and tools. Even without web design experience, you can create a fully functioning landing page and start earning money with your products or services in as little as two weeks. 

What if ClickFunnels is just not for me?

If you try it and aren’t satisfied for any reason, you can simply cancel your subscription. They don’t make you call them directly to cancel like the cable company does and they don’t make canceling a hassle. You can “X” out of your account in a few minutes with a few clicks. In the event that you forget to cancel within the 14-day trial period, simply contact ClickFunnels support team for a refund. In most cases, they will happily issue a refund to you. 

I’m confident that ClickFunnels will save you time and help you build a profitable business, whether you’re new to the online marketing community or are a veteran marketer looking to take your business to the next level. 

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Mike Garvey JrFounder of

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