ClickFunnels Vs. WordPress: Which Platform Should You Be Using?

ClickFunnels vs WordPress? Which one is best for your business? If you’ve started down the path to becoming your own boss, then you know there are quite a few options to consider when building your website. Do you go with the “tried and true” WordPress website or do you go with the “newer kid on the block”, CIickFunnels? Which option works best for email marketing and lead generation? Which option makes the most sense if you plan to scale your business through blogging? Or email marketing? I answer those questions and more in this comparison review. So without further delay, let’s get into it!

ClickFunnels vs. WordPressUpdated on: Jan 11, 2020

Summary:ClickFunnels and WordPress are great platforms but have different purposes. So which one should you be using in your business for the best results?

Decisions, Decisions – ClickFunnels vs WordPress

I have always wanted to be in business for myself. But it wasn’t until about two years ago, I made the leap to become a full-time affiliate marketer. That wasn’t my first venture into being internet marketing. In the early 2000s, I was a successful network marketer with a popular but now defunct MLM company. I learned a lot of lessons from that experience but the biggest one was that I needed a consistent flow of leads to sustain and scale my business. Also, I learned how easy it is to waste a lot of money generating leads for a new online business through Google and Facebook ads. Make no mistake. I’m not afraid to invest in myself or my business. However, throwing money at test campaign after test campaign is not my idea of good ad (or business) strategy.  

Because lead generation is the lifeblood of any business, I made the decision to use the platform that would provide the most help generating leads. I’m pretty savvy with technology and building websites. But, I have to admit that building one from scratch that can handle the demands of an online business can be challenging, even for someone with experience, like me. 

When I first started my business, my biggest issue was money. I wanted to keep costs down until I started turning a profit. So naturally, the $297 monthly price tag for ClickFunnels was concerning. While WordPress is a much cheaper option, the saying: “time is money” applies here. The tradeoff for the money you’d save using this platform will be spent learning how to use it. If you’re like me and care about costs, then you’re in luck with ClickFunnels. They offer a 14-day trial that gives you access to all of the platform’s features. I took this time to see how well ClickFunnels would handle the lead generation portion of my affiliate marketing business.

Because I was already familiar with using WordPress, I didn’t need to try it out again. I just used my background knowledge to compare both platforms and I have to say, I learned enough during the ClickFunnels trial to make a really informed decision on which one would work best for my business. Let’s look at both sides of each solution so you can decide the best fit for your needs.

What Is The Cost?

Before we get too deep into the comparison, let me put this right on the table. Cost is a big factor for many new affiliate marketers. I touched on it above, but I want to give a more detailed overview of each option. 

ClickFunnels Cost

ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial. From there you can select from two paid options: $297 or $97 per month. (See Table Below)



ClickFunnels Platinum




# Of Funnels



# Of Pages



# Of Visitors



Custom Domains



Billing Integrations

1 type per

3 type per

The basic account is the $97 per month option. With it, you can create twenty funnels with over one hundred pages of content. You are allowed up to 20,000 visitors per month as well. 

The enterprise option, ClickFunnels Platinum, will run you $297 per month. This is the “granddaddy” package with ClickFunnels. This option gives you access to both Follow-up Funnels (Formally Actionetics) and the Backpack affiliate system. This package is also a great choice if you are considering ClickFunnels as your “all in one” tool for affiliate marketing. You can do everything from email marketing, list building, sales funnels and more. It also includes the newly added FunnelFlix! (see more here)

If your goal is to become a full-time affiliate marketer promoting ClickFunnels as your premiere offering, this is a package is a good choice as it allows you full access to each part of the suite to test, master and review. 

WordPress Cost

Newbies who are trying to keep costs down, I suggest going with WordPress from the outset. Even when factoring in things like web-hosting costs, added plug-ins and the time is takes to learn your way around the platform, you’re looking at paying for an entire year of service with WordPress for less than the cost of two months with ClickFunnels. As a newbie, that is huge!

For me, the average cost for WordPress for the year comes in between $150 to $180 (variables for cost include different plug-ins, themes purchased and the web hosting costs – See my resources). 

I’m not sure about you but paying almost $1000 more per year for my business upfront with ClickFunnels when I can use WordPress for the same functionality is not my deal of smart business; at least not as a new entrepreneur. 

The cost winner is…WordPress.

Which one is easier to use?

How Easy Is ClickFunnels 

Simply put, ClickFunnels is the king of “drag and drop” sales funnel creation. Initially, you might wonder if there are too many options with the platform. When you first log on, you’ll see things like the “product launch” funnel, the “perfect webinar” funnel, the “network marketing bridge” funnel and more. I know I scratched my head when I read over the funnel options list. I didn’t know which one would work best for my business model because I was unfamiliar with the pros and cons of each funnel type. Thankfully, there were resources designed to help explain the function of each funnel and the industries they worked best with. Once I settled on one, it was pretty very easy to create and design my first sales funnel with the platform.

create a funnel

While ClickFunnels is easy to use, it’s not without its share of challenges. The creators claim you can make a sales funnel from start to finish in as little as 10 minutes. However, that’s not entirely true. Yes, you can make a sales funnel in very little time. However, it will take more time to build out content, perform A/B testing on sales pages, and more. If you are unfamiliar with ClickFunnels or any sales page creation software, you can expect to have a learning curve when you first use the platform. 

The good news is that while it will take time to learn Clickfunnels, it won’t take the same amount of time that you’d need to learn WordPress. And because so many internet marketers across all niches use ClickFunnels, you can find tutorials on just about every aspect of the platform on YouTube and other affiliate marketer websites as well.

How Easy Is WordPress

WordPress is the winner when it comes to cost, but it’s definitely not the easiest software to use. If you want a basic site, then it’s entirely possible to upload a theme, or use a theme builder from your hosting company to get started. But, having a website and having a sales funnel is not the same thing. Just building a website through WordPress will not give you the functionality for your business that ClickFunnels does. And, it will take quite a bit of skill and time to learn how to use it. 

Listen, if you are a tech savvy person or someone who picks up new skills by watching YouTube tutorials, then I’d say go for it. If you have some cash on reserve to hire someone to build out a sales funnel in WordPress, then again, my advice is the same. Go for it. Otherwise, if you want to save money and have some time to spare, prepare to be dedicated to learning everything there is to know about WordPress for at least a month.

wordpress dashboard

Theoretically, anyone can learn how to make a simple WordPress site. That’s the easy part. But, creating a sales funnel with the software is a task that will leave you very frustrated, very fast. To combat the relatively low ease-of-use, WordPress does offer plug-ins to smooth out the process of website building and sales funnel creation. Also, there are hundreds of “plug and play” themes to choose from that can help you get your business up and running quickly. 

Overall, WordPress can be tricky to use for a newbie, so I suggest consulting with a professional familiar with the platform before using it in your business. Whether that person is a trusted mentor or professional website designer is up to you. 

ClickFunnels definitely wins the ease-of-use category. However, keep in mind the cost. Also, as a beginning online entrepreneur, one of the main goals in setting up your business will be to track your leads. How they come in, from which sources, what stage of the funnel they convert, etc. While ClickFunnels is a good resource for measuring that information, you won’t get to analyze that data accurately during your two week trial because it’s too short of a window to do so. 

The ease-of-use winner is…ClickFunnels.

Customer Support: Who does it better?

I have to admit that I’m a little biased when it comes to customer support. I’m used to the speed and efficiency of dealing with companies with unlimited resources to handle customer issues. (Except for a few cell phone and cable providers that definitely don’t qualify.) I expect a lot when it comes to customer support and service, especially when I’m paying for that service. With that in mind, I hate to say that both platforms leave a lot to be desired. 

WordPress Support

Let’s start with WordPress. Because the software is a bit harder to navigate for a newbie, you will have questions. When you need assistance with your WordPress site, you have a few options at your disposal. If you have plan, you’ll have access to their Live Chat feature at no cost. However, if you’re not a paying customer, your options are limited to Google searches and YouTube tutorials. 

wordpress support

(Since I have some experience with WordPress, there is one crucial tip I want to share with you. Do not edit your site “live”. Instead, update your site in off-line mode. It may be annoying to switch back and forth for edits, but live edits are usually reserved for the WordPress guru.)  

ClickFunnels Support

ClickFunnels support does exist. And that’s almost all I can say about it. Recently, they added an instant messaging feature, however don’t get your hopes up. The “instant” reply time with this feature is anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This is a vast improvement from the days, and in some cases weeks, it used to take to get an email reply from someone with ClickFunnels. When I first started I got answers much faster by visiting YouTube or asking someone in the ClickFunnels group on Facebook. If you don’t need an answer right away, use their email feature. However, if you need an answer relatively “soon”, then their messaging feature is the way to go.

clickfunnels support

The customer support winner is…Neither.

Which platform handles SEO better?

When I did my research for this part of the article, I asked my fiance for her take. She’s done marketing for a few companies and has worked on my site in a marketing capacity as well. She’s not an expert with either software, but I’d say she has intermediate experience with both. Hands down, she said WordPress is the more SEO friendly software. 

ClickFunnels does have SEO options, however. And with the software being relatively new, it has more options than you might expect from a company specializing in sales funnel creation. While this might not mean anything to you yet, ClickFunnels SEO functionality does allow users to at least edit metadata for better landing page optimization with search engines. 

However, you will need more SEO capability than ClickFunnels can offer. WordPress has set the standard with its SEO capability by far. I use the Yoast SEO plug-in and it has given me even more functionality to use on top of the built-in SEO features available with WordPress. If you don’t prefer to use Yoast, there are literally dozens of SEO plug-in options you can choose from within the software. There is the option to just add your own metadata directly into the WordPress pages you build as well.

The SEO winner is…WordPress.

Time it takes to create a landing page

I’m not into staring at my computer screen for hours just to build a landing page. I just want get in and get out.

ClickFunnels drag and drop features in combination with the many templates provided makes building out landing pages a breeze.

clickfunnel templates

WordPress on the other hand is a different story. 

You have a ton of themes and plugin options (see resources) you can use to build out your landing pages. But all plugins aren’t built alike, so your choice will dictate how long it takes you to get comfortable and build out pages.

But if time is a factor..then ClickFunnels is the beginner’s way to go.

The Time Winner is…ClickFunnels.

ClickFunnels if:

  • Focus on selling products or services for a profit
  • Wish to create high-conversion sales funnels that will give you positive returns
  • Are not tech-savy and want to save time
  • Have the budget to invest in paid advertising

WordPress if:

  • Specialize in content (blog, news, etc.)
  • Want to have a lot of control over your website’s features
  • Plan to maximize SEO and organic traffic
  • Have the time to create a website from the ground up

My Final Thoughts: Which Is the better option?

The decision you make when it comes to ClickFunnels or WordPress will ultimately boil down to budget, time and your goals. For a less stressful and more consistent page building experience, ClickFunnels is the way to go. Others may like more tech oriented aspect and process of building inside of WordPress.

I personally prefer ClickFunnels for all my sales funnel/landing page building because it’s not only easier to use, but it’s the primary goal of the software. I reserve my WordPress landing page builds primarily to pop ups and side widgets because it doesn’t take much design skill to get done. 

Also, if you can’t tell, I use WordPress for blogging because that’s what its primary function is for. I’m a true believer in using the right software for it’s intended purpose. So if your goal is to start a successful blog and focus on written content, use WordPress. If your goal is to sell products/service through sales funnels and landing pages, use ClickFunnels.

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Mike Garvey JrFounder of

Work From Home

Want to learn how to start an online business and work from home like I do?

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