One Funnel Away Challenge Review 2022: READ THIS BEFORE JOINING!

The One Funnel Away Challenge Review. So many folks have been going insane over this challenge and as an affiliate marketer, ClickFunnels has so much to offer to your business. But to truly appreciate what they have to offer,  you’ll need to search through a plethora of information, especially when you are brand new to it. It may seem intimidating and difficult to understand at first but we’re going to break it down.

There are multiple ways to use ClickFunnels to the advantage of your business, whether you are selling your own products, designing funnels for clients or just being an affiliate marketer of the software. So how do you go about it? 

One Funnel Away Challenge ReviewUpdated on: Jul 19, 2020

Summary:The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day step by step training teaching you how to build a successful sales funnel.

What Is The One Funnel Away Challenge?

The best way to take advantage of the power of ClickFunnels is through the One Funnel Away Challenge. In this One Funnel Away Challenge review, I’m going to show you what you will get in the challenge and how it’ll help you grow your business through sales funnels.

the one funnel away challenge

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day step by step training teaching you how to build a successful sales funnel. You are assigned three top coaches – Julie Stoian, Stephen Larsen and ClickFunnels co-founder Russell Brunson.

The challenge is hosted by the FunnelHacker Community within a private Facebook group where you’re able to mastermind with other people taking the challenge and motivate one another to complete each day’s lessons. Also included are daily Q&A Facebook Lives from other community coaches.

What Is Inside In The One Funnel Away Challenge Kit?

Inside the OFA kit, you’ll find the challenge book (it’s 550 pages), the One Funnel Away workbook and a MP3 player with preloaded training among other promo materials. The entire package is valued at $3,126, which I find to be an outstanding steal and you are guaranteed to get your money’s worth. Imagine being able to unlock an unfair advantage for your business all for $100! This is definitely worth more than the price. 

Inside the workbook you’ll find an overview of the challenges and the tasks for you to complete for each daily challenge. The 30 days challenge book reveals the strategies and plans of the top recipients of the Two Comma Club award that will leave you not only motivated but inspired.

With the preloaded MP3 player, you can even listen to the challenge while on the go or at the gym during your workout.

The lessons are not only valuable to affiliate marketing (which is how I’ve used it) but every aspect of business. The coaches provide top notch training and showcase amazing content that any business or entrepreneur would find valuable. The One Funnel Away Challenge is what you need to take you to the next level.

Let’s have a look at what you’ll find inside the box.

The OFA Challenge WorkBook 

one funnel away workbook

This is a physical copy of the “One funnel Away challenge workbook” typically only seen as a PDF. The workbook is designed to work hand and hand with the training for the next 30 days. The notes created through the tasks will help you learn how to create the perfect sales funnel for your business. This is one of the reason why this is #1 on my list of challenges to take because of how effective the results can be if you follow their 30 day plan.

30 Days Dot Com Book 

30 days one funnel away book

The book is an easy to read breakdown of each interview in the 30 day summit by Russell Brunson, the ClickFunnels founder. This step by step plan allows you to better understand and visualize how others have reached the 2 comma club using ClickFunnels. 

30 Day Summit (Online Access)

30 day members area

Following up on the 30 Days book is the 30 day summit access. The summit visualizes whats in the book and provides nothing but clarity while opening your eyes to the potential of what a funnel can do for your specific business. Basically it provides 30 in depth interviews of those who answered the question of what would you do in 30 days if you “Suddenly lose everything”, leading into what’s next on my list.

MP3 Player 

one funnel away mp3 player

Need to learn on the go? How about all the audio recordings of Russell Brunson’s daily trainings? These 30 recordings make for a damn good ‘audio book’ that’ll help you further establish what you need to do to become the next 2 Comma Club member or Dream Car Winner through ClickFunnels. 

It also comes with access to their exclusive Facebook group that only members of the 30 days challenge can be apart of. 

one funnel away challenge review bundle

What The One Funnel Away Challenge Will Teach You

The lessons within the challenge are spread over a 5 week period, with the first week dedicated to pre-training to get you in the right mindset for the challenge. After the pre-training, the real fun begins and daily lessons are sent to your email over the next 4 week period.

It is important not to skip any lesson as they build on each other and it is very easy to get left behind. But not to worry if you do, you can usually use the weekend to catch up on days you missed. 

This One Funnel Away Challenge review breaks down the Challenge lessons into the following:

  • Pre-Challenge Week: This week is all about mindset, uncovering and challenging limiting beliefs. (The goal is to prepare you for the course ahead. )
  • Week 1: This week is all about offer creation and covering everything from funnel flow to understanding the basics of offer creation. (hook, story, offer)(The goal is for you to walk away from this week with an understanding of how to create an irresistible offer for your business. )
  • Week 2: This week is all about publishing and building out your offers with specific ClickFunnels resources. (bridge pages, hero story page, etc)(The goal is for you to perfect your “story-selling” skills in your offer to tap into the emotions of your audience. Once you do this, you have the blueprint to sell anything online.)
  • Week 3:  This week is all about the mechanics of your funnel. You will learn things like how to share your funnel and set up your offer page. (The goal is to take what you’ve learned so far to create a sales funnel to showcase your hook, story and offer.)
  • Week 4: This week is the money week. Here you will learn how to capture and direct traffic to your funnel and how to properly market your business.(The goal during this week is simple: generate leads, drive traffic and make sales. )

Who Are The One Funnel Away Coaches

Let’s have a quick look at the coaches for the One Funnels Away Challenge. All of them bring their own unique perspective to the course. 

Russell Brunson

russell brunson one funnel away challenge

Russell Brunson known as The Strategist, provides daily video coaching to students of the One Funnel Away Challenge. You will learn the required mindset and be taught the strategies behind funnel building, and given tips on how to make everything work. He also showcases how to craft an offer and why it is very important to successful funnel sales.

Russell provides a solid framework for you to master the fundamentals and strategies of funnel building.

Julie Stoian

Julie Stoian one funnel away challenge

Julie Stoian, whose nicknamed “The Transformer”, will actually transform your business with her actionable coaching. An entrepreneur and a Two Comma Club Winner herself, Julie focuses on the “how” part of the training. Her videos provide a step by step walk-through on how to apply what you are learning from Russell. With Julie’s help, you’ll be able  to turn your plan into a running successful funnel. 

Stephen Larsen

stephen larsen one funnel away challenge

Stephen Larsen dubbed “The Executioner” provides all the tough love you need and will motivate you to complete your daily tasks. He teaches his daily coaching sessions through recorded zoom group calls. Steve is awesome and full of all the energy and you’ll definitely enjoy his trainings. Also, Steve is a Two Comma Club Winner. BOOM!

Why Should You Sign Up For The One Funnel Away Challenge?

This is honestly the most common question. And the reality is this, ClickFunnels has the proven the formula that works. The one major struggle people have in their online business is a proven step by step process to get that WIN! Not only do you get access to 30 days of training, you also get the challenge kit, and access to the private facebook group to keep you on track.

You will be charged $100 to be able to join the One Funnel Away Challenge. The reason for this is because you then have “skin in the game”. This gives you more of a reason to stay engaged in your success. If they were to give you the training for free, you most likely wouldn’t take it seriously! The fee is also meant to cover for the costs of the challenge kit that will be shipped to your address. 

Why You Shouldn’t Take The One Funnel Away Challenge?

You shouldn’t sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge if you have a very busy schedule or if, for any reason, you cannot afford to dedicate one hour a day.

If for some reason you find it challenging to implement basic instructions or just too stubborn to do the work, then you shouldn’t sign up.

The One Funnel Away challenge will also be a waste of your time and money if you cannot dedicate one hour of your day for 30 days straight. If you can’t even manage to set aside 30 hours in a month to take your marketing knowledge, understanding of conversions, optimization and funnels to the next level, then you should certainly not sign up for this challenge.

Finally, and forgive me but I have to keep it REAL, if you can’t or won’t even invest $100 to improve your business. PLEASE DON’T SIGN UP! Go find a $10 Udemy course.

How To Recoup Your $100 Back As An Affiliate

one funnel away challenge cost $100

Listen! I’m an affiliate marketer, so I can’t write a One Funnel Away Challenge review and not mention its affiliate program through which you can make your $100 back and more. Referring the OFA challenge to somebody else guarantees your money back as their affiliate program offers 100% commissions.

Why I Took The One Funnel Away Challenge?

I could tell you that I’ve always had a grasp on what I needed to do in my affiliate marketing business, but there were times that I needed some direction. That’s why I signed up for the One Funnel Away Challenge. I proved to myself that I knew how to set up funnels to bring in traffic and get sales. However, my income wasn’t consistent and that bugged me. I didn’t feel right calling myself an entrepreneur when I didn’t have a system to bring in income consistently. I needed to know exactly how to start scaling my small wins to make them big victories. 

Back in the early 2000s, I did network marketing and I was able to piece together a marketing strategy good enough to earn me a consistent $4000 per month. However, if you know anything about online marketing, you know things change quickly. What worked in 2004 is not likely to even be relevant in 2019.  

So to say I’ve experienced and seen a lot in the internet marketing space is an understatement.  I’ve done other programs that claimed to teach how to build and promote an online business. Some were good. Others, not so much. 

Not to sound cliche but this program is different.

I first learned about Russell Brunson about 4 years ago. But, I got an up-close look at his business model in 2017. I was among those “sold” on ClickFunnels at Grant Cardone’s first 10X conference in Vegas. I enjoyed Brunson’s presentation so much that I bought ClickFunnels on the spot.

That’s why I recommend the One Funnel Away Challenge. I’ve seen firsthand how well Brunson and his team can put together an offer and I know I can scale my business by following the same system. 

What I Didn’t Like About The Challenge

I had to take the challenge twice!

It was so much information to grasp and the pace of the challenge requires that you set time out everyday soak it in.

I’m not a shame to say I had to double back.

And what I found was that a lot of people had to take it multiple times as well, but it’s worth it.

So after my second time I made sure I took notes on each day and I also put together a training series as well for others.

All in the hopes to avoid having to pay again! 

Everything Else You Need to Know About the One Funnel Away Challenge

The Challenge costs exactly $100 19.95 for shipping, if you want the physical kit (Optional). That money pays for membership as well as the various materials that you’ll receive.

Some of these items include:

One Funnel Away Challenge Kit

30 Days Of Coaching

30 Days of Video Missions

A physical OFA workbook

A physical copy of the 30 book

A large collection of 2 Comma Club member interviews

The overall value of the challenge could easily be placed well into the $1000’s. But it would still be worth every penny if you consider the actual value of what you are getting for not only yourself, but your business.

The OFA challenge kit is mailed to your door immediately after you join the program. It includes an MP3 player, a collection of online interviews, the 30 days hardback book, and the challenge workbook. Of course, now the question is, “What do I do next?”. Well, the challenge kit is a lot easier to use than you would think. The first thing you’re going to want to look at is the 30 hardcover book.

The 30 book is an incredible book that anyone who wants to have a successful business should read. 

It’s a 550-page book that’s included in the One Funnel Away Challenge and is designed to force entrepreneurs to stop working on stuff that doesn’t matter and start implementing the KEY tasks that will get your funnel live, and your business flowing…

If you’re the type of person who vaguely knows what to do, but just needs a guide from entrepreneurs in your related industry, then this book is going to be the template to get you there.

The book contains 30 chapters, with each chapter dedicated to a specific award winner. Each of these chapters are outlined with specific day-to-day details that you can follow to grow your business. You can even make changes or attempt to improve upon a strategy with your own ideas. The main point is for you to learn about ClickFunnel and learn how real entrepreneurs would use it if starting from scratch.

The next item you will want to look at is the challenge workbook. Each day of the challenge presents you with some homework that you will need to complete. These tasks will help you learn about ClickFunnel, build your one funnel, and then go live. The workbook should be used together with the training videos for any given day.

The workbook itself is well put together and has plenty of room for adding notes. There is also a link to a digital workbook that you can use once the current challenge begins. This is very useful if you don’t receive your workbook before the challenge starts. Which actually happen to me, because my area had a hurricane scare at the time.

Finally, there is an MP3 player loaded with audio files. You might be thinking, “What do I need an MP3 player for?”. Well, it contains more than 40 hours of recordings from live coaching calls, interviews, and more. You can listen to this while you run errands, hit the gym, or clean around the house. Also, this avoids the need to store large audio files onto your cell phone or computer.

Overall, I think the One Funnel Away Challenge is not only the best way to learn about ClickFunnel, but also learn how to actually make millions of dollars utilizing sales funnels for your business. If you’re serious about your future and want to use ClickFunnel to make it a reality, then consider joining the challenge.

What is The One Funnel Away Platinum Offer

ofa platinum

The One Funnel Away Platinum offer from ClickFunnels is the standard OFA training combined with 6 months of ClickFunnels Platinum and additional bonuses like FunnelFlix Platinum, Dotcom Secrets and so much more.

What’s inside the OFA Platinum?

Here’s what you’re getting inside:

  • 30 Days OFA Training from Russell Brunson, Steve Larsen and Julie Stoian
  • The OFA Challenge Kit
  • Six (6) Months of ClickFunnels Platinum
  • FunnelFlix Platinum
  • Virtual Hackathons
  • White Glove Onboarding
  • Dotcom Secrets Live
  • Expert Secrets Live
  • Traffic Secrets Live

What’s the cost of OFA Platinum?

OFA Platinum only costs $997. Your getting the standard 30 Day OFA Challenge, The OFA Kit, 6 months of ClickFunnels Platinum and the bonuses mentioned above.

Is the One Funnel Away Challenge Worth it?

You probably could have guessed my answer about the OFA challenge since this is my second time doing it. However, in case have haven’t guessed let me spell it out. The One Funnel Away Challenge is definitely worth your time. If you need help creating a profitable sales funnel, running successful offer campaigns or scaling your small wins to grow a sustainable business, then this challenge is for you. 

Coupled with the other marketing resources Russell has written, the OFA Challenge can truly help you transform your business. If you are unfamiliar with Brunson’s “ Secrets”, which discusses the inner-workings of funnels, or “Expert Secrets”, which breaks down the art behind marketing your business with sales funnels, then I suggest getting familiar with them. They are excellent resources designed to help you not only build sales funnels and develop offers, but these books will give you insight into the psychology of a buyer and how to better tap into it to expand your business.  

One Funnel Away Results

There have literally been thousands of people who’ve taken the challenge and have found success in their individual businesses. So don’t take my word for it, have a look at a few testimonials below:

one funnel away reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some questions and answers that I think would have crossed your mind when reading this article.

How much does the One Funnel Away Challenge cost?

The cost of the One Funnel Away Challenge is $100 for the digital-only option. It’s the same information, only this option doesn’t come with the kit.

Since this is my second time doing the challenge, I sprang for OFA Challenge Kit, which was an extra $19.95. If you’re outside of the US, that shipping fee is $29.95 for the kit. 

Whats a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a series of web pages designed to take a prospect from beginning to end of the sales process. All with the hopes of them turning into a customer.

What is the return/money-back policy?

If you go through the challenge and don’t get much value from it, there is a money-back guarantee. You have to send your challenge kit back within 30 days of it arriving in order to gain a full refund. Again, this is my second time doing it and I’m gaining more value than I did before. I doubt you’ll want to return the challenge kit, but in the event that you do, I wanted to let you know the terms of their money-back policy. 

I can’t commit to watching the videos each day. Is this challenge for me?

In short, no. If you cannot commit 1-2 hours per day to watch the training videos and complete the assignments attached to each lesson, I’d suggest waiting until you have time. Because the lessons are daily, it’s easy to fall behind if you miss a day or two. 

Does it have an affiliate program?

This is a question I get a lot because I’m an affiliate marketer, so naturally, people want to know if this is a viable affiliate program. And, I’m happy to say that it is. The One Funnel Away Challenge has a pretty great affiliate program that’s super easy to sign up for and make money from. 

What makes the program so great? Well, ClickFunnels pays out 100% commissions on whoever signs up for the OFA Challenge under your link. Sell one program and you’ll easily pay for yours. If you decide to make this one of your core offerings, I’d suggest you go through the challenge first so you can explain the value to your audience successfully. 

My Final thoughts on the One Funnel Away Challenge

We’ve come to the conclusion of the One Funnel Away Challenge review. I’ve gone through a lot of different courses, so you don’t have to. The One Funnel Away Challenge has been some of the best training I’ve had in recent years. There have been so many takeaways I can use in my business. I’m already seeing the fruits of my commitment to the challenge in the form of increased sales. 

That’s what I love about this challenge. You can tweak your business as you go and see results shortly after. 

I encourage you to take the time to do this challenge. 

Go through the training. 

It’s totally worth it.

Reserve your spot now.

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Mike Garvey Jr

Mike Garvey JrFounder of

Work From Home

Want to learn how to start an online business and work from home like I do?

Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you liked this One Funnel Away review. Please note that some of the links inside this article may be affiliate links to Challenge. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, we may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, we really appreciate it! Any money we make keeps this site running smoothly and allows us to keep writing these high-quality reviews.