ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Review: The Ultimate Affiliate Program?

ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp. As an affiliate marketer, the holy grail of building your business is deciding on a high-ticket, well-paying core program to promote. One of the best ones around, in my opinion, is the ClickFunnels Affiliate program. Officially, it’s called The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp. It is a training program designed for affiliates to make money by promoting the ultimate sales funnel builder, ClickFunnels. While the program’s goal is to help you “retire in 100 days,” at Brand the Boss we like to keep it real so don’t quit your day job…yet. While the program will earn you money, you won’t have enough of it to retire in 100 days.  

The program is free and you will be able to earn money with the training so it’s definitely worth it. 

The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is another creation from the internet marketing genius, Russell Brunson. He created the program as a comprehensive training course for ClickFunnels Affiliates to build their business through marketing and selling ClickFunnels products and services. 

The cat is out of the bag on my opinion. It’s a great program. So let’s dive into all the reasons why.

ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp ReviewPublished on: Oct 9, 2019

Summary:The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp & Summit is a comprehensive training course for affiliates to build their business by marketing and selling ClickFunnels products and services.

The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program at a Glance

The only reason this course exists is because ClickFunnels has an affiliate program. While other programs require you to have an active account in order to take advantage of their affiliate opportunity, ClickFunnels does not. That means you can be an affiliate without paying to maintain the platform personally. If that intimidates you, don’t worry. You can take advantage of things like the One Funnel Away Challenge and the Affiliate bootcamp to teach you the ropes of the platform and how to promote it. 

affiliate bootcamp landing page

What is The Affiliate Bootcamp? 

The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is a comprehensive training course for affiliates to build their business by marketing and selling ClickFunnels products and services. Personally, I like this program for a few reasons, especially for newbie affiliate marketers. First, the program is profitable. Almost everywhere you turn, there is a new entrepreneur looking for a platform that will allow them to build sales funnels quickly. When they start researching, they always come across ClickFunnels. That’s great for you because for every person who buys ClickFunnels through your link, you earn a monthly recurring commission of up to 40 percent. 

There are two pricing models to choose from: $297 per month or $97 per month. No matter which model a person chooses, if they purchase ClickFunnels through your link, you can get up to 40% commission. At $297, you’ll earn just over $118. At $97, you’ll earn right around $40. 

The goal of the Affiliate Bootcamp is to get you to 100 members in 100 days. With that metric, you’d earn a total monthly commission of almost $4000. It’s not enough to retire, but it is a nice chunk of change to pay down outstanding debt, finally take a vacation, or just start an emergency fund.  

Another great perk of the program is the ClickFunnels Dream Car contest $500 bonus. To qualify for this bonus, you need to have 100 active ClickFunnels users. How cool is that?! And, it doesn’t stop there. Once you reach 200 members, they increase that bonus and pay you $1000 per month. The way your affiliate commission is tracked is through a “Sticky Cookie”. What’s that, you ask. Keep reading to find out.

affiliate bootcamp summit

What is The Affiliate Bootcamp Summit? 

The Affiliate Bootcamp Summit has a very different structure and a more focused approach then the regular bootcamp.

You’ll find that 16 super affiliates are in the Affiliate Bootcamp Summit, including Russell Brunson. They teach you their step-by-step plans for getting 100 people to sign up under your ClickFunnels account, win your Dream Car, and earn a passive income month after month.

All you need to do is to watch the 16 videos, choose one plan that relates to your specific strenghts and style, then implement it over the course of 100 days. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a super affiliate.

Who are the 16 super affiliates in the affiliate bootcamp summit?

So who are the super affiliates that are going to help you by teaching their unique plans to succeed with the ClickFunnels affiliate program? 

Here’s a list of the super affiliates you’ll learn from and what they are known for. You may recognize some of these names.

  • Russell Brunson, the Co-founder of ClickFunnels. He’s not only one of the top marketers of today, but he also understands the in and outs of affiliate marketing.
  • Steve Larsen was ClickFunnels lead funnel builder for about two years. He is know as the “Offer King” because he’s a master of creating irresistible offers and is a two comma club winner.
  • Spencer Mecham is the number one ClickFunnels affiliate, having earned over $1 million in ClickFunnels commissions. He’s an amazing affiliate marketer!
  • Rachel Pedersen is considered the queen of social media and has a clear understanding of how to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Greg Jeffries is an absolute beast at SEO and has not only won his Dream Car from ClickFunnels, but has also created a significant passive income.

Other notable Super Affiliates are:

  • Jacob Caris
  • Dana Derricks
  • Dave Gambrill
  • Joe Marfoglio
  • Marley Baird
  • JR Rivas
  • Josh Rhodes
  • Tyler S. Clark
  • Billy Gene
  • Peng Joon

What Will You Learn? 

What exactly is the Affiliate Bootcamp Summit going to teach you?

You will be learning from 16 different affiliate marketers, on the strategies and step-by-step plans they used to become super affiliates, earn passive income, and win their dream car.

For example Jacob Caris, breaks down how to apply both organic and paid traffic strategies in order to maximize sales. He also teaches how you should be using Facebook groups to increase your audience, brand awareness and reputation online.

Another example is Steve Larsen and his approach of using stories to sell. He shows you how to create unique offers, unique sales messages, and how to incorporate stories into them. He also explains how to send unique offers to the right market. This is why he is known as the offer king.

You’ll have access to hours of video training that are packed with valuable information and strategies that can help you succeed in your affiliate marketing journey.

But there is a drawback to having all these plans. You only have four days to learn, choose one and implement it.

Anyone can do it, but it’ll require intense focus and implementation. But, what if there was a way to have access to these trainings forever?

Well you are in luck!

To get unlimited access to the Affiliate Bootcamp Summit, all you have to do is sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge. By doing so, you also get the ebook of all the Super Affiliates 100-day plans, including bonus plans you wont get anywhere else.

The Sticky Cookie Concept

The sticky cookie is one of the main things that sets ClickFunnels affiliate programs apart from the others. Here’s a description of the sticky cookie directly from the ClickFunnels team, “We apply sticky cookies to you & your visitor’s browsers for several reasons such as tracking, quick checkouts, member logins, and advanced product features. ClickFunnels Sticky Cookie is for the benefit of helping you build your online business.”

what is a sticky cookie

Because Brunson sells other products to compliment the ClickFunnels platform, you can make additional money from a single affiliate if they purchase add-ons like FunnelScripts.  

Is the Affiliate Bootcamp similar to MLM?

No. The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is different from multi-level marketing in a few ways. First, you don’t have to buy the product to take advantage of the affiliate opportunity. With some MLM companies, you are required to be a “product of the product”, meaning you need to purchase their goods or services in order to sell them to others. Not so with ClickFunnels. 

Also, a major difference between network marketing and the ClickFunnels affiliate program is you can make a living as an affiliate marketer without recruiting your friends and family to join you. With MLM, unless you recruit others, you won’t maximize the earning potential for the opportunity. Again, this is not so with the ClickFunnels affiliate program. 

While the website for the program does use the “hook” of “retire in 100 days” to draw you in, that’s all a part of the marketing genius that Brunson is well known for. “Hook, story, offer” is an infamous mantra that you will come to know well once you enter the ClickFunnels universe.   

We shoot straight at Brand the Boss. We know that most people will not retire in just 100 days using this program because there’s a learning curve. However, we also know the program is 100% legit. Just search “clickfunnels affiliate” on Google and you’ll find countless people making money from this program. You can also check the ClickFunnels Facebook group to see earnings statements from everyday people making money with this program. I am someone who makes money with ClickFunnels. You can be too. 

How to become a ClickFunnels Affiliate

This is the easy part. Once you sign up for the program, you will gain access to the membership. It’s that simple. Then, you’ll be walked through an introduction that teaches you how program works and outlines what to expect. If you get stuck or have questions, you have access to a FAQ section as well. 

clickfunnels affiliate program

The introductory videos lay the foundation for affiliate marketing and give basic instruction on the ClickFunnels platform. You’ll need to set aside about an hour to go through each video. There are a total of 5 intro videos. I got started by watching the first 5 videos over the course of a single workweek. You might take less time. You might take longer. 

My advice? If you’re new to affiliate marketing, I suggest taking thorough notes and completing the assignments for each video over the course of at least 5 days to ensure you retain the information you’re learning. Sure you could take less time, but spending a little more time on the material will be well worth it. 

Now that you have the framework for the ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp program, let’s go over some Frequently Asked Questions.

Where Do I Find My ClickFunnels Affiliate Link?

Once you have signed up for the program, you can pick which program you want to promote first. You can find that information here. After making your selection, you can copy/paste your affiliate link and apply it to whatever form of promotion you are doing.

For example:

  • Blog Post
  • YouTube Video
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Ads

When and How Do I Get Paid?

This is probably the most commonly asked question. Affiliate commissions are paid on the 1st and 15th of each month. Please note – payment is only made AFTER the 30-day refund period has passed and as long as you hit the payout minimum of $100 earned. 

If you have earned less than $100, you won’t lose your payout. It will roll over into the next month and be added to any other payments you have coming in. Once you hit at least $100 earned, you will be paid out on the next applicable pay date (1st or 15th). 

ClickFunnels pays out with a system called Tipalti

What Is Tipalti And Do I Have To Sign Up?

Tipalti is the new payment processing system that ClickFunnels uses and yes, you have to sign up in order to receive payment. You can register with Tipalti by emailing the CLickFunnels team directly at

Where Do I Find My Referred Affiliates?

Good question. You will find this information at the bottom of your affiliate page. If you have referred affiliates, you will see their names and email addresses there. Referred affiliates are people who begin the process of making a ClickFunnels purchase through your affiliate link. Whether they complete the process or not, you will see them entered at the bottom of your affiliates page. This is a great tool because it allows you to easily see if someone abandoned the purchase process so you can design an email sequence to nurture that lead to completion. 

How Comprehensive is the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program?

Brunson knows how to pack a lot of value into an affordable product. The ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp is no exception. The program covers multiple topics designed to help affiliates succeed through sales and earned commissions. 

Some of the affiliate marketing and business lessons include:

How to Build an Online Business

The Affiliate Bootcamp goes beyond teaching you to just push ClickFunnels for sales. It covers the basic structure of how to build your first online business. From internet marketing tips to creating your very own “hook, story, offer” sequence, the bootcamp program is a valuable tool for any new affiliate marketer. You can use what you learn to sell your own products or services in addition to ClickFunnels. 

Facebook Ads Basics

One of the most successful ways to promote your business is with Facebook Ads. That’s why the ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp covers the basics of using paid traffic via Facebook Ads. This strategy does lead to success, but…it’s not easy. Anyone who tells you crafting, deploying and testing Facebook Ads is easy for a newbie is either 1) an expert or 2) lying

It’s that simple. 

That said, you don’t have to be an expert to succeed with Facebook ads. However, you do need a healthy dose of patience while learning and testing your ads on the platform. I’ve been able to build my business without relying on Facebook ads, but if that something you want to learn more about, then this training program is for you.

Can I Make Money With This Affiliate Program?

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

Did I say yes? 

Seriously, you can make money with the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program. Once you become a bootcamp member, you will get access to all the training you need to build your affiliate marketing business successfully. 

What won’t happen is you getting rich quickly. You read that right. Building a real business takes some work and I won’t tell you any differently. That’s why you need to take the training seriously. To be successful with this program, you need to complete all of it. Additionally, you need to follow the steps laid out before you to-the-tee to achieve success. If you take shortcuts, or drop out of the program midway, or decide to just “do your own thing”, it will not work. 

Plain and simple. 

Because this affiliate program gives you the chance to earn up to 40% recurring monthly commission for each product you promote, you have a real chance to build a real, sustainable online business with ClickFunnels. If you see no other reason to take this seriously, that should be it. 

ClickFunnels Customer Support – Improved or Still Struggling?

Full disclosure. I’ve been a harsh critic of the ClickFunnels customer support team in the past. I realize they were doing their best, but the customer service was seriously lacking. 

However…I’m happy to report that the customer service has improved dramatically. I would have given them a grade of “D” before, but now they are a solid “B+”. 

clickfunnels support

Here’s how their customer service works: 

As an Affiliate Bootcamp member, you can contact the support team via email. In most cases, you will get a response to your question in under 2 hours. Considering they haven’t deployed their live chat feature yet and the customer service team is servicing requests from a community of over 70,000 members, answering your issue in under 2 hours is no small feat. 

If 2 hours sounds a bit too long, I get it. Sometimes you hit a flow and want an answer sooner than later so you can continue on. For more immediate answers, you can join the ClickFunnels Avengers Facebook group or go to the new funnel hacker community forum if you have an account.

As for Facebook, just use the search feature on to find the right one. The great thing about the group is the members are very active and happy to respond to newbies looking for answers. 

How to get the ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp Program

You already know I’m a fan and I recommend the program. If you’re interested, here’s how you can get started

Maybe you found me because you’re a network marketer trying to find a better way to build your downline without harassing your family and friends. If so, then check out my Secret MLM Hacks review. The system is from Stephen Larsen, Russell Brunson’s right-hand man, master funnel builder and two-comma club lead coach.

My Final Thoughts: ClickFunnels Affiliate Program Review

In my humble opinion, the ClickFunnels Affiliate Program is for the type of person looking for a solid affiliate marketing program to learn from. I also have my ClickFunnels Review and ClickFunnels Bonus if you want to check it out!

Looking for something more general on Affiliate Marketing or growing an online business? Maybe check out Legendary Marketer.

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Affiliate Disclaimer: We hope you liked this Affiliate Bootcamp review. Please note that some of the links inside this article may be affiliate links to ClickFunnels. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, we may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, we really appreciate it! Any money we make keeps this site running smoothly and allows us to keep writing these awesome reviews.