Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge Review

What Is The Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge?

Legendary Marketer is an online training company with over $200 million in sales. Legendary Marketer founder David “Dave” Sharpe was recently featured in Forbes Magazine alongside other notable digital marketers such as Gary Vaynerchuk. Legendary Marketer assists people like you in starting or growing an online business by utilizing highly leveraged and cutting-edge marketing strategies and business models.

In this Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge review, I will discuss how I became involved with Legendary Marketer and how the 15 Day Challenge has benefited me.

dave sharpe

How Did I find Legendary Marketer 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge?

When I was browsing around on Facebook, I came across an ad that ultimately lead me to the Legendary Marketer 15 Day Challenge. The marketer’s landing page read something like this: “My #1 recommendation to make a full-time income online.”

For a while, I just ignored it because it gave me a “MLM vibe”. But, after noticing that many marketers I follow and trust saying the same thing in their Facebook Groups, I finally decided to check it out and that’s how I discovered Legendary Marketer.

I’m always skeptical when I see offers like that, but I’ve noticed that many of the most honest people I know recommend Legendary Marketer, so there must be something to it.

As a result, I decided to give them a shot and I followed their link to their sales page, watched Dave’s video, and enrolled in the program for just $7.

What Will You Learn in the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge?

The 15-day business builder challenge covers the best marketing strategies for making sales as well as finding high-ticket affiliate offers.The challenge consists of fifteen days of videos and assignments.

legendary marketer 15-day challenge with dave sharpe

Each day of the Legendary Marketer 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge includes a new training video and a few assignments that must be completed in order to progress to the next day. The videos are high quality and provide a lot of value to you.

Each day, the following topics are covered:

  • Starting and Scaling A High-Ticket Affiliate Business
  • Core 4 High-Ticket Business Models
  • Watch Me Build a Business in Less than 30 Minutes
  • Mastering Wealth
  • Developing a Business Plan
  • Q & A Video
  • When to Quit Your Job
  • High-Income Skills Overview
  • High-Income Skills – Lead Generation
  • High-Income Skills – Copywriting
  • High-Income Skills – Sales and Presenting
  • All About Outsourcing
  • Using OPM (Other People’s Money)
  • How to Avoid Being a Wantrepreneur
  • Your First Sale

The 15-day challenge material combines practical strategy and mindset. Because, let’s be honest, most of us know what we should do but struggle with doing it.

Legendary Marketer will assign you a business advisor; that is how they work. To unlock the remaining days and complete the actual challenge, you must schedule a call with your business advisor.

What will occur during those phone calls?

First and foremost, during the call, your business advisor will create a personalized business plan for you in order for you to get the most out of the 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge.

What else does Legendary Marketer 15-day challenge offer?

The course content in the 15-Day Business Builder challenge is excellent.

Even if you don’t have your affiliate marketing business up and running by the end of the challenge, you’ll have gained some valuable knowledge to help you earn more.In addition to the 15 days of videos and assignments, you’ll also receive a slew of bonus content.

legendary 15 day challenge bonuses

15-Day Business Builder Bonuses

Customized High-Ticket Business Plan – This guide will walk you through the process of creating your high-ticket business plan step by step.

FB Ads Templates – Includes examples of top-performing Facebook ads with images and text.

High-Ticket Email Templates – If you’ve ever run an online business with an email list, you know how difficult it is to come up with and write sales emails. You can use these templates to help your readers trust you.

High-Ticket video Scripts – If making videos is part of your business plan, these scripts will tell you what to say.

High-Ticket Phone Scripts – While most people use the internet to generate leads for their high-ticket business, you can differentiate yourself by calling prospects. Fortunately, you can use these scripts.

 One-on-One Business Plan Consultation – If you have any questions about business plans, you can call a member of the Legendary Marketer team.

Affiliate Marketing Funnel – This is a clone of the ClickFunnels affiliate marketing pages.

What Blew Me Away About Legendary Marketer!

No Hype, Just Pure Value

Prepare to be blown away by Legendary Marketer’s one-of-a-kind approach to teaching and selling. Meet Dave, the mastermind behind this exceptional platform. His style is nothing short of direct, fueled by a wealth of integrity, and remarkably devoid of hype. While some might be all about the glitz and glamour, Dave’s persona defies the flashy fashion statements. He’s a true believer in the effectiveness of what he teaches, and he won’t ever resort to forceful tactics or pressure you into anything.

Unlike those overbearing “gurus” who create artificial urgency and scarcity, Dave doesn’t dabble in such tricks. He’s in a league of his own with an attitude that says, “You want to learn? Great! Here’s the goldmine of information. And if you choose to venture down a different path, that’s perfectly fine; no hard feelings.” There’s no arm-twisting or sales pitch; just genuine value that speaks for itself. Even when I initially declined the Blueprint Bundle offer, I was taken aback by the lack of resistance from the sales rep – a breath of fresh air, especially for someone like me with a sales background.

Connect with Real Experts

Hold onto your hat because Legendary Marketer offers an experience like no other! For an unbelievably affordable $7, you gain access to a treasure trove of invaluable resources.

Picture this: a business development coach, a corporate advisor, and not just a few days but two full weeks of personalized “hold-your-hand” training. It’s a mind-blowing package that usually remains unseen in the realm of lead magnets. I was thrilled to connect with my advisor, the incredible Eliana, three times over those transformative two weeks. And let me tell you, he had no time for BS; just straight-up answers to all my burning questions.

Start from Square One with Confidence

Leave your prior knowledge at the door because Legendary Marketer operates on the assumption that you know absolutely nothing, and that’s an incredible advantage! This challenge is tailor-made for those who are fresh-faced and green in the world of online marketing. The early modules may seem basic to someone like me with experience, but oh, what a treasure trove they are for newcomers. The level of detail and care put into this entry-level training is a rare gem to find.

Prepare for a legendary journey, where hype is replaced with substance, personalized guidance is just a click away, and no prior experience is required. Legendary Marketer is setting a new standard, and you’re invited to step into the limelight of this transformative experience!

What’s the Next Step After the 15-Day Challenge

Finally, Legendary Marketer 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge is a program that provides you with the knowledge and tools you need to start your own online business.If you are a beginner looking to start an online business, Legendary Marketer 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge is not a scam. It is a legitimate program where you can learn legitimate methods for making money online.

Because I have an online business and use what Legendary Marketer teaches, I can say that what they teach works because it works for me.If you are a beginner, you should concentrate on one business model, whether it is affiliate marketing or something else. Stop watching all those YouTube videos and instead educate yourself with the tried-and-true system. Choose the best fit for you, commit to it, and take action every day to see results.

Final Thoughts

It costs only $7 to participate in the Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge. It is jam-packed with video lessons, assignments, and quizzes. It also includes incredible bonuses worth thousands of dollars.

While the 15-day challenge may appear to be too good to be true, it is not a scam.

It’s an introductory course that introduces you to Legendary Marketer’s teaching style and value. Even if you never buy another Legendary Marketer product, this challenge will assist you in developing a high-ticket business plan and cultivating the right mindset for success.

Affiliate Disclaimer: We hope you liked this Legendary Marketer 15-Day Challenge review. Please note that some of the links inside this article may be affiliate links to Legendary Marketer. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, we may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, we really appreciate it! Any money we make keeps this site running smoothly and allows us to keep writing these high-quality reviews.